In us you will find a point of contact that guides your project from start to finish. This is the basis of any long term, successful collaboration.
You’re looking for an affordable Shop solution.
How customers shop on the Internet is well known: they search, inform themselves, check and compare, order, pay, receive the goods – finished! The more customer satisfaction you receive during each of these steps, the better your e-commerce succeeds.
Shop with or without integrated credit card payment.
We are partners of PostFinance and, as a result, can offer our customers secure credit card payment (all major credit cards) in our Shop-Solution. Those who do not require this form of payment, and deliver their product through invoice, advance payment, or cash, receive a professional, affordable online shop solution tailored to their needs.
Easy content creation and maintenance.
Our Shop solutions adapt according to your needs. Add new articles by yourself, match orders and send newsletters without a problem. Thanks to our professional software, you will be able to do all of this yourself after only a short tutorial.
We would happily develop a solution based on your individual needs and take care of the many factors which e-commerce can help you with.
We will gladly consult you!
In this day and age, many businesses are being conducted online, so it’s more important than ever to own a domain (web address) for your Homepage.
The difficult search for the right name
Using a name for your website without much concentrated thought always proves to be a mistake. Unsuitable names can result in failing companies, as difficult to comprehend, error-prone domain names lead to significant loss of traffic. This is only made worse by the fact that, in combination with many popular endings such as .ch and .com, there are less and less notable free addresses. The swiss Top-Level-Domain “.ch” has 2’164’079 entries (as of June 2018)
What makes a good domain?
The rule is: the simpler, shorter, and clearer, the better the domain name. Domain experts suggest that ideas should be measured according to these criteria:
Caution is recommended when dealing with complicated foreign words or a combination of multiple languages. Too many hyphens are also problematic. There should never be more than one in a domain name, everything else seems unprofessional and is rated lower by search engines.
Schedule your time and take criticism seriously
The search for a great domain name is not something that can be done on the side. Give yourself enough time and plan several practice runs with different focus groups. Most often, friends, family and colleagues are asked for advice. This is fine, but not enough, as their criticism is most often very carefully given. Also, friends and family are often not part of the target audience. If your audiences are teenagers, mothers with young children, and hobby cooks, you should take their opinions into account.
Most importantly, don’t be offended by criticism. Use it as motivation to find a better solution and have the courage to change your idea.
We’ll gladly help you with this!
Domain registration
Do you need help finding the right Domain or registering it? We have a lot of experience and would love to help.
Contact us!
Before your website can be successful, it needs to be discovered by customers. In order to be discovered, you need to know what customers are searching for.
We have the necessary knowledge to optimize your website for search engines such as Google, using current industry standards. We develop key word strategies, which allow even difficult or competitive key word possibilities to be discovered.
We ensure a web presence that is safer, quicker, and results in improved Google searches.
Surely you have seen websites, like ours, which display a lock up next to the browser address bar. This means the website is secured through an SSL certificate.
These are the benefits of https:
Encrypted connections create trust and ensure your customer’s safety, as the communication between website and visitor is safe from third-party viewership.
Your website becomes quicker. Thanks to the SSL certificate, your website is automatically available through the much quicker http/2 protocol.
Higher Placement
Google likes secure connections. Websites with https are displayed further up on Google search results.